IEEE Visualization '96 Demonstrators Registration Form
ARCHIVED PAGE - This page is archived and being provided for historical reference.
Demonstrators Registration Form
IEEE Visualization '96
Please complete this form and return via the route of your choice. Addresses and phone numbers can
be found at the bottom of the form.
Company/University Name:
Mailing Address:
Contact Name:
Please include me as a Visualization '96 Demonstrator in the following category:
_______Corporate Partner ($5,000 includes 2-table setup and 2 conference registrations)
_______Corporate Demonstrator ($1,750 includes 1-table setup and 2 conference registrations)
_______Corporate Support ($1,000 to support Visualization '96)
_______Non-Profit Demonstrator ($400 includes 1-table setup)
_______Academic Institution (No Fee for 1-table setup by invitation)
1-table setup includes up to 8'x10' floor space.
2-table setup includes up to 2 8'x10' spaces.
Name(s) of person(s) who will be working demonstration (up to 4 demonstrators):
E-mail & Phone:
Approximate value of equipment being used in $U.S. (for insurance purposes):
Description of our demonstration (Suitable for inclusion in a Demo/Exhibit handout; also include software,
hardware, and any special power or space requirements):
How many free exhibits-only passes?
- Please submit this Demonstration Application to:
- Upul Obeysekare:
- Concurrent Technologies Corporation
- 1450 Scalp Avenue
- Johnstown, PA 15904
- Phone: 814-269-2542
- Fax: 814-269-2666
- email:
- Please MAKE OUT CHECKS to ``IEEE Visualization '96'' and send them to:
- Carol Hunter:
- Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- P.O. Box 808, L-60
- 7000 East Avenue
- Livermore, CA, 94551
- Phone: 510-422-1657
- Fax: 510-423-8704
- email:
For further information and changes about the IEEE Visualization '96 Conference, contact one of the
Conference Co-Chairs or see the www or ftp sites:
- Conference Co-Chairs
- FTP server:
- WWW address: