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IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis '96)
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis '96)

IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization

(InfoVis '96)

Final Program

Monday, October 28 Grand Peninsula Ballroom D
8:30 - 8:45 Opening Statement
8:45 - 10:00 Keynote Address: Making Visualization Work:
How Abstract is Too Abstract, How Real is Too Complex?
Kenneth R. Boff, Chief of Human Engineering Division, AF
Armstrong Laboratory, Wright Patterson AF Base
10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:30 Paper Session 1: Infrastructure for Information Visualization
(1) Visage: A User Interface Environment for Exploring Information,
S.F. Roth, P. Lucas, J.A. Senn, C.C. Gomberg, M.B. Burks, P.J. Stroffolino, J.A. Kolojejchick, and C. Dunmire, CMU & MAYA Design Group, Inc.
(2) Data Characterization for Automatically Visualizing
Heterogeneous Information,
M.X. Zhou and S.K. Feiner, Columbia University
(3) Rapid Prototyping of Information Visualizations Using VANISH,
R. Kazman, University of Waterloo and J. Carriere, Nortel
(4) On the Semantics of Interactive Visualizations,
M.C. Chuah and S.F. Roth, CMU
12:30 - 2:00 Lunch
2:00 - 3:30 Paper Session 2: Viewing and Selecting Information
(1) Techniques for Non-Linear Magnification Transformations,
T.A. Keahey and E.L. Robertson, Indiana University
(2) Distortion Viewing Techniques for 3D Data,
M.S.T. Carpendale, D.J. Cowperthwaite and F.D. Fracchia, Simon Fraser University
(3) 524,288 Ways to Say `This is Interesting',
G. Wills, Bell Laboratories
3:30 - 4:00 Break
4:00 - 5:45 Demonstrations
(1) Towards Rich Information Landscapes for Visualising,
Structured Web Spaces,
K. Andrews, M. Pichler and P. Wolf, Graz University
of Technology
(2) Visualizing the Results of Multimedia Web Search Engines,
S. Mukherjea, K. Hirata and Y. Hara, NEC C&C Research Lab
(3) Minimally-immersive Interactive Volumetric Information Visualization,
D. Ebert, C.D. Shaw, A. Zwa, E.L. Miller, and D.A. Roberts University of Maryland Baltimore County
(4) Interactive Visualization of Multiway Tables,
K.C. Cox and D. Hackborn, Bell Laboratories
(5) FINESSE: A Financial Information Spreadsheet,
A. Varshney and A. Kaufman, SUNY Stony Brook
(6) Animating Multidimensional Scaling to Visualizing N-Dimensional Data Sets,
C. Bentley and M.O. Ward, WPI
(7) Dual Multiresolution HyperSlice for Multivariate Data Visualization,
P.C. Wong, A.H. Crabb and R.D. Bergeron, UNH
6:00 - 7:00 BOF: Implementing 3-D Business Visualizations
7:00 - 9:00 Symposia Reception (Pavillion)
Tuesday, October 29 Grand Peninsula Ballroom D
8:30 - 10:00 Keynote Panel: Information Visualization - Where are We
and Where Do We Go From Here?,
George Robertson, Microsoft and Robert Spence, Imperial
College, Great Britain, Stuart Card, Xerox PARC,
Stephen G. Eick, Bell Laboratories
10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00 Paper Session 3a: Applications of Information Visualization
(1) Geospatial Metadata Querying & Visualization on the WWW Using Java Applets,
N. Alper, MAR Inc. and C. Stein, Mirror Imaging
(2) Visualizing the Global Topology of MBone,
T. Munzner, Stanford University, E. Hoffman, Ipsilon
Networks, K. Claffy, National Lab for Applied Network
Research and B. Fenner, Xerox PARC
(3) Visualizing Usability Log Data,
M. Gray, A. Badre and M. Guzdial, Georgia Tech
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 2:30 Paper Session 3b: Applications of Information Visualization
(1) DEPICT: Documents Evaluated as Pictures. Visualizing Information Using Context Vectors and Self Organizing Maps,
D. Rushall and M.R. Ilgen
(2) Visualizing a Tennis Match,
L. Jin and D. Banks, Mississippi State University
2:30 - 3:00 Video Session
3:00 - 3:30 Break
3:30 - 4:30 Capstone Session: How I Lost My Fear of Flying (Navigation with an Autopilot)
William Eddy, Department of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University
4:30 - 4:45 Conclusion

For further information about the IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, contact the Symposium Chair:
Nahum Gershon
The MITRE Corporation
1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.
McLean, VA, 22102-3481
Phone: 703-883-7518
Fax: 703-883-5230

IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization

(InfoVis '96)

Program Committee

IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization

Symposium Chair

IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization

Program Co-Chairs

IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization

Program Committee

For further information about the IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, contact the Symposium Chair:
Nahum Gershon
The MITRE Corporation
1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.
McLean, VA, 22102-3481
Phone: 703-883-7518
Fax: 703-883-5230