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The IEEE Visualization ’98 Conference Committee
gratefully acknowledges:

Advanced Visual Systems Inc.

IBM Visualization Data Explorer

Silicon Graphics Computer Systems

Sun Microsystems

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Research Systems Inc.
CEI Inc.
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
Hewlett Packard

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Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
NSF STC for Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization

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Attending Visualization ‘98 will be a multinational audience of innovators and leaders from academia, business, and government – people who purchase and recommend computer hardware and software for their organizations. Join them by participating in one of these demonstration categories:

Corporate Partners

Cost: $5,000

Our Corporate Partners will have a place of prominence at Visualization ’98, as we acknowledge their support of the conference and its goals.

Corporate Demonstrations

Cost $1,750

These demonstrations are more technical presentations as opposed to traditional trade show style presentations. The goal is to emphasize research results, novel tools, new equipment, and new applications.

Corporate Support

Cost: $1,000

You can be associated with Visualization ’98 as Corporate Support, gaining attention for your products and providing the conference with your assistance without the need to mount a demonstration.

Non-Profit Demonstrator

Cost: $400

The Non-Profit Demonstrator is one whose organization does not sell any visualization products. Non-Profit Demonstrators typically come from research groups in government, industry or academia that have developed visualization software, but do not sell them as a commercial product.

Academic Institution Demonstrator

No fee

This category is for academic institutions who do not sell any visualization products. Demonstrations may be proposed in this category and a limited number will be accepted depending on the quality of and interest in the presentation.

We must receive your commitment to participate soon so that we can make arrangements and you can benefit from full publicity for your participation. Don’t Delay! For further information, please contact:

Upul Obeysekare, Principal Software Engineer
Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC)
1450 Scalp Ave.
Johnstown, PA 15904
Phone: (814) 269-2542
Fax: (814) 269-2666

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Additional Proceedings

To order copies of the Vis ’98 and InfoVis ’98 proceedings for delivery after the conference, contact IEEE CS Press:

By phone: 800-CSBOOKS or 714-821-8380 and ask for the Order Fulfillment Department
By email: Send a request to:

To become an IEEE Computer Society member visit

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