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IEEE Visualization '99 Program:
Case Studies
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Abstracts of Vis '99 Case Studies can be found in the searchable database of
Vis '99 abstracts now available on our European site.

C1: Medical Data Visualization
Wednesday, 10:15am-12:15pm
- Interactive Exploration of Extra- and Intracranial Blood Vessels
- Dirk Bartz/ University of Tübingen, Germany
- Wolfgang Straßer/ University of Tübingen, Germany
- Martin Skalej/ University Hospital Tübingen, Germany
- Dorothea Welte/University Hospital Tübingen, Germany
- Digital Design of a Surgical Simulator for Interventional Magnetic Resonance
- Terry Yoo / National Institutes of Health, USA
- Penny Rheingans/ University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
- Volume Rendering Based Interactive Navigation within the Human Colon
- Ming Wan/ SUNY at Stony Brook, USA
- Qingyu Tang/ SUNY at Stony Brook, USA
- Arie Kaufman/ SUNY at Stony Brook, USA
- Zhengrong Liang/SUNY at Stony Brook, USA
- Mark Wax/SUNY at Stony Brook, USA
- A Computer Animation Representing the Molecular Events of G protein-coupled
Receptor Activation
- Zoya Maslak/ Univeristy of Utah, USA
- Douglas Steel/ Univeristy of Utah, USA
- Robert McDermott/ Univeristy of Utah, USA

C2: Flow Visualization
Wednesday, 4:00pm-5:30pm
- Visualizing Gridded Datasets with Large Number of Missing Values
- Suzana Djurcilov/ UCSC, USA
- Alex Pang/ UCSC, USA
- Detecting Vortical Phenomena in Vector Data by Medium-Scale Correlation
- H.-G. Pagendarm/ DLR, Germany
- B. Henne/ DLR, Germany
- M. Rutten/ DLR, Germany
- Interactive Visualization of Fluid Dynamics Simulations in Locally Refined
Cartesian Grids
- M. Schulz/ University of Stuttgart, IfI, Visualization and Interactive Systems Group and
BMW AG, Munich, Germany
- F. Reck/ University of Erlangen, IMMD IX, Computer Graphics Group
- W. Bartelheimer/ BMW AG, Munich, Germany
- Th. Ertl/ University of Stuttgart, IfI, Visualization and Interactive Systems Group

C3: Visualization Systems
Thursday, 10:15am-12:15pm
- Visual Debugging of Visualization Software: A Case Study for Particle Systems
- Patricia Crossno/ Sandia National Laboratories, USA
- Edward Angel/ University of New Mexico, USA
- DELTA's Virtual Physics Laboratory A Comprehensive Learning Platform on Physics
& Astronomy
- Sepideh Chakaveh/ German National Research Centre for Information, Germany
- Udo Zlender/ German National Research Centre for Information, Germany
- Detlef Skaley/ German National Research Centre for Information, Germany
- Konstantinos Fostiropoulos/German National Research Centre for Information Technology,
- Dieter Breitschwerdt/ University of Heidelberg, Germany
- VizCraft: A Multidimensional Visualization Tool for Aircraft Configuration
- A. Goel/ Virginia Tech, USA
- C. Baker/ Virginia Tech, USA
- C. Shaffer/ Virginia Tech, USA
- B. Grossman/ Virginia Tech, USA
- R. Haftka/ University of Florida, USA
- W. Mason/ Virginia Tech, USA
- L. Watson/Virginia Tech, USA
- Design and Implementation of an Immersive Geoscience Toolkit
- Christophe Winkler/INRIA, France
- Fabien Bosquet/T-Surf Corp, USA
- Xavier Cavin/INRIA, France
- Jean-Claude Paul/INRIA, France

C4: Airspace / Terrain and Sea-bed Visualization
Thursday, 1:45pm-3:45pm
- Visualization of Conflicts and Resolutions in a "Free Flight" Scenario
- Ronald Azuma/ HRL Laboratory, USA
- Howard Neely III/ HRL Laboratory, USA
- Mike Daily/ HRL Laboratory, USA
- Mario Correa/ UCLA, USA
- Real-Time Visualization of Scalably Large Collections of Heterogeneous Objects
- Douglass Davis/ Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- William Ribarsky/ Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- T.Y. Jiang/ Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Nickolas Faust/ Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Sean Ho/ Army Research Lab, Adelphi, MD, USA
- Geo-Spatial Visualization for Situational Awareness
- Eliot Feibush/ Sarnoff Corp., USA
- Nikhil Gagvani/ Sarnoff Corp., USA
- Daniel Williams/ Systems and Scientific Software, USA
- Whole Field Modelling - Effective Real-time and Post-survey
Visualization of Underwater Pipelines
- Paul Chapman/ Univeristy of Hull, UK
- Derek Wills/ Univeristy of Hull, UK
- Peter Stevens/ Univeristy of Hull, UK
- Graham Brookes/Univeristy of Hull, UK

C6: Volume Visualization
Thursday, 4:00pm-5:30pm
- Automating Transfer Function Design for Comprehensible Volume Rendering Based on
3D Field Topology Analysis
- Issei Fujishiro/ Ochanomizu University, Japan
- Taeko Azuma/ Ochanomizu University, Japan
- Yuriko Takeshima/ Ochanomizu University, Japan
- Accelerating 3D Convolution using Graphics Hardware
- Matthias Hopf/ Visualization and Interactive Systems Group, IfI, University of Stuttgart
- Thomas Ertl/ Visualization and Interactive Systems Group, IfI, University of Stuttgart
- Visualizing Simulated Room Fires
- Jayesh Govindarajan/ Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
- Matthew Ward/ Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
- Jonathan Barnett/ Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA

C5: Information Visualization
Friday, 10:15am-12:15pm
- Visualizing the Evolution of a Subject Domain: A Case Study
- Chaomei Chen/ Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, UK
- Leslie Carr/ Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Southampton University, UK
- An Interactive Framework for Visualizing Foreign Currency Exchange Options
- D.L. Gresh/ IBM Thomas Watson Research Center, USA
- B.E. Rogowitz/ IBM Thomas Watson Research Center, USA
- M.S. Tignor/ IBM Thomas Watson Research Center, USA
- E.J. Maryland/ MCS
- Visualizing Large-Scale Telecommunication Networks and Services
- Eleftherios E. Koutsofios/ AT&T Laboratories, USA
- Stephen C. North/ AT&T Laboratories, USA
- Russell Truscott/ AT&T Laboratories, USA
- Daniel A. Keim/ AT&T Laboratories, USA
- Detecting Null Alleles with Vasarely Charts
- Carl Manaster/Axys Pharmaceuticals,USA
- Elizabeth Nanthakumar/Axys Pharmaceuticals,USA
- Phillip Morin/Axys Pharmaceuticals,USA

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The Program pages on the web will be updated as new
information becomes available.
This page was last modified Friday, October 22, 1999