Inland Navigation: Channel Training Works
Pokrefke, T. J., McCartney, B. L., Cox, M. D., Ellis, S. W., Gordon, D. C., McAnally, W. H., & Pinkard, F. (2013). Inland Navigation: Channel Training Works. Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 124. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Inland Navigation: Channel Training Works presents design guidance on structures that reshape a river channel to create reliable depths and widths for safe and dependable vessel transit. This Manual of Practice focuses on training structures used in open-river channels with flow in one direction (non-tidal), and many of the structures are also appropriate for use on low-head (no reservoir storage capacity) lock-and-dam river systems. It describes in detail the proper use of dikes and revetments and explains how to design channel dimensions and alignment so that little or no maintenance dredging is required.