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Publication Abstract

New Perspectives in Human Tear Analysis?

Kukumberg, P., Karlik, M., Beňová-Liszeková, D., Pechan, T., & Farkas, R. (2015). New Perspectives in Human Tear Analysis? Neuro Endocrinol Lett.. 36(3), 185-186.

The human tear has the primary function to lubricate the cornea and to be the first-line protective surface against pathogens. Due to difficulties with their collection, tears are rarely utilized in clinical medicine. Nevertheless, these exocrine secretions could be very valuable as a source of potential biomarkers. Direct and prompt regulations of the tears production via parasympathetic tract of nucleus lacrimalis (n. VII) in pons Varoli throughout n. maxillaris of n. V enables to reveal changes in tear composition as an indicative response to various neuropsychiatric entities. Plasma, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid have been studied extensively in clinical medicine, but tears attracted only marginal interest so far. However, due to major advances in proteomics technique we can readily identify and quantify hundreds to thousands of proteins in single experiment. This can contribute to our understanding of complex biological phenomena and diseases. In our previous studies, we found deviations of human saliva and sweat structures in patients suffering from panic disorder (Kukumberg et al. 2009). Currently, we aim to compare proteins of human tears of healthy subjects with tear proteome of patients affected by different neuropsychiatric disorders.