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Publication Abstract

Manufacturability Assessment Methodology for Reducing Life Cycle Costs

McCall, T. G., Walden, C., Dalton, L., & Dennis, G. (2015). Manufacturability Assessment Methodology for Reducing Life Cycle Costs. U.S. Army Corps of Engineering, Vicksburg, MS: Engineering Research and Development Center.

Studies have shown that a substantial portion of lifecycle costs are committed during the product design stage. The literature suggests that manufacturability concerns are one of the major drivers of lifecycle costs. This technical report details the development of a first generation Manufacturability Assessment Methodology (MAM) for use during product development. This methodology draws upon a manufacturability taxonomy and a resulting metric, which are original to this research. A case study application of the Manufacturability Assessment Methodology is reviewed and lessons learned from the case study are presented. Guidelines are presented in order to assist the practitioner. Also, future research is outlined.