Modeling for Powder Metallurgy Component Design and Performance Prediction
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Tucker, L., Allison, P., Horstemeyer, M., & Marin, E. (2008). Modeling for Powder Metallurgy Component Design and Performance Prediction. MPIF/APMI 2008 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials . Washington, DC, June 8-12 2008.
In this paper, math-based models for Powder Metallurgy (PM) compaction and sintering are presented. An existing math-based framework is extended with the abilities to capture the material history and predict PM component structures and properties accurately throughout the compaction and sintering processes. A characterization of the FC-0205 Ancorsteel powders containing 0.6% and 1.0% Acrawax was conducted to define the evolution of the failure line and cap surface of the Modified Drucker/Prager cap model during compaction, and evaluate the dimensional changes during sintering. Using the FC-0205 material parameters, a finite element analysis of compaction and springback of a main bearing cap is performed, and numerical density distribution is compared to density measurements from different techniques.