Areas of Interest
A common thread of research at the HPC² is computational simulation
of physical phenomena, but this exists in a rich fabric of high technology
that ranges from software engineering to submarine propulsion, from load
balancing in parallel computing to visualization and interpretation of
remotely sensed data, from computational geometry to algorithm development,
and from materials modeling to crash simulations.
This list indicates general areas of research activity within the
HPC². Many areas listed here may overlap or are subsets of other
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- CFD-Based Design Optimization
- Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization
- Computational Design
- Computational Modeling
- Geometry Modeling
- Structured Grid Technology
- Unstructured Grid Technology
- Dynamically-Adaptive Grids and Meshes
- Generalized Mesh Generation
- Incompressible Flow Methodology
- Compressible Flow Methodology
- Turbulence Modeling
- Large Eddy Simulation
- Hybrid LES/RANS Simulation
- Generalized Flow Solver
- Hypersonic Flows
- Non-Equilibrium Flow Simulations
- Aircraft Icing
- Code Verification
- Enterprise Computational Services
- Software Systhesis
- Materials Modeling
- Parallel Algorithms
- Computational Heat Transfer
- Viscous Ship Hydrodynamics
- Computation Solid Mechanics
- Numerical Fracture Mechanics
- Damage Tolerance of Composite Materials
- Scientific Visualization
- Information Visualization
- Visual Analysis
- Image Processing
- Feature Detection
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Computational Systems for Vehicle Analysis
- Crash-worthiness Simulations
- Education and Training
- Pollutant Transport in Urban Areas
- Biomedical Device Simulation
- Simulation of Biomedical Fluid Flows
- Aerosol Deposition in Lung Airways
- Geospatial Technologies
- Natural Resource Management
- Decision Support Systems
- Software and User Interfaces