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CAVS 2182

(662) 325-5457

200 Research Blvd, CAVS
Starkville, MS 39759

Nayeon Lee  


CAVS 2182

(662) 325-5457

200 Research Blvd, CAVS
Starkville, MS 39759
Research Interest
Molecular dynamics simulation, Titanium, Steel, Bio material, Bio-inspired Design, Impact resistant material
Selected Publications Total Publications:  12 
Lee, N, Mun, S., Johnson, K. L., & Horstemeyer, M. (2024). The Function of Horn Ridges for Impact Damping. Biomimetics. MDPI. 9(8), 506. DOI: [Abstract] [Document Site]

Senanayaka, A., Lee, P., Lee, N, Dickerson, C., Netchaev, A., & Mun, S. (2024). Enhancing the Accuracy of Machinery Fault Diagnosis through Fault Source Isolation of Complex Mixture of Industrial Sound Signals. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Springer London. 133, 5627-5642. DOI: [Document Site]

Seely, D. W., Huddleston, B. D., Mun, S., Vo, A., Lee, N, Dickel, D. E., & Limmer, K. (2022). Atomistic Study on Diffusion and Trapping of Hydrogen in Nanocrystalline Steel. TMS 2022 151st Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings. Anaheim, CA. DOI: [Abstract] [Document Site]

Lee, N, Williams, L. N., Mun, S., Rhee, H., Prabhu, R., Bhattarai, K. R., & Horstemeyer, M. (2017). Stress Wave Mitigation at Suture Interfaces. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express. IOP Publishing Ltd. 3, 035025. DOI:10.1088/2057-1976/aa777e. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]

Lee, N, Horstemeyer, M., Prabhu, R., Liao, J., Rhee, H., Hammi, Y., & Williams, L. N. (2016). The Geometric Effects of a Woodpeckers Hyoid Apparatus for Stress Wave Mitigation. Bioinspiration and Biomemetics. 11, 1748-3190. DOI:10.1088/1748-3190/11/6/066004. [Document Site]