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Publications for: Cindy L. Bethel (Cindy)
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Louine, J. L., May, D., Carruth, D. W., Bethel, C. L., Strawderman, L., & Usher, J. (2018). Are Black Robots Like Black People? Examining How Negative Stigmas about Race Are Applied to Robots. Sociological Inquiry. Wiley Online Publishers. 88(4), 626-648. DOI:10.1111/soin.12230. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Sabanovic, S., Berry, C., & Bethel, C. L. (2017). Introduction to the Special Issue on HRI Education. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction (JHRI). 1(1), 1-3.
Usher, J., McCool, R., Strawderman, L., Carruth, D. W., Bethel, C. L., & May, D. (2017). Simulation Modeling of Pedestrian Behavior in the Presence of Unmanned Mobile Robots. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. Elsevier. 75, 96-112. DOI:10.1016/j.simpat.2017.03.012. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Strawderman, L., Campbell, S., May, D., Bethel, C. L., Usher, J., & Carruth, D. W. (2017). Understanding Human Response to the Presence and Actions of Unmanned Ground Vehicle Systems in Field Environments. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. IEEE. PP(99), 1-12. DOI:10.1109/THMS.2017.271905. [Abstract]
May, D., Holler, K., Bethel, C. L., Strawderman, L., Carruth, D. W., & Usher, J. (2017). Survey of Factors for the Prediction of Human Comfort with a Non-Anthropormorphic Robot in Public Spaces. International Journal of Social Robotics. Springer. 9(2), 165-180. DOI:10.1007/s12369-016-0390-7. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Liu, Y., Bethel, C. L., Ball, J. E., & Archibald, C. (2017). Mechanical Design, Prototyping, and Validation of a Martian Robot Mining System. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems. 10(1), 1289-1297. DOI:10.4271/2017-01-1305.
Durst, P., Anderson, D., & Bethel, C. L. (2017). A Historical Review of the Development of Verification and Validation Theories for Simulation Models. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing. 8(2), 1-24. DOI:10.1142/S1793962317300011. [Abstract]
Crumpton, J., & Bethel, C. L. (2016). A Survey of Using Vocal Prosody to Convey Emotion in Robotic Speech. International Journal of Social Robotics. 8(2), 271-285. DOI:10.1007/s12369-015-0329-4.
Srinivasan, V., Murphy, R. R., & Bethel, C. L. (2015). A Reference Architecture for Social Head Gaze Generation in Social Robotics. International Journal of Social Robotics. 7(5), 601-616. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Srinivasan, V., Bethel, C. L., & Murphy, R. R. (2014). Evaluation of Head Gaze Loosely Synchronized with Real-Time Synthetic Speech for Social Robots. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 44(6), C2.
Henkel, Z., Bethel, C. L., Murphy, R. R., & Srinivasan, V. (2014). Evaluation of Proxemic Scaling Functions for Social Robotics. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 44(3), 374-385.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts
Cossitt, J. E., Patel, V., Carruth, D. W., & Bethel, C. L. (2022). Modeling Operator Performance Considering Autonomy Level in Partially Autonomous Vehicles. 2022 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC 2022). Orlando, FL, USA.
Louine, J., Nichols, F., Bethel, C. L., & May, D. (2017). Collaborations between the Town and Gown in Policing. Proceedings of the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting. Kansas City, MO: ACJS. [Abstract]
Bethel, C. L., May, D., & Louine, J. (2016). Use of Technology by Law Enforcement, Especially to Handle Difficult Missions. 2016 International Police Executive Symposium (IPES 2016). Washington, DC: IPES.
Stives, K., May, D., Bethel, C. L., Pilkinton, M., Eakin, D., Stubbs-Richardson, M., Jones, A., Henkel, Z. M., Hutchins, B., Kelly, J., Williams, J., & Hollis, D. (2016). What Do Parents Tell Their Children About Responding to Bullying: A Qualitative Analysis. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting. Denver, CO.
Stubbs-Richardson, M., Stives, K., Henkel, Z. M., May, D., & Bethel, C. L. (2015). A Qualitative Analysis of Parental Perspectives on Bullying At-Risk Youth. Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association. Charleston, SC.
Berry, C. A., Bethel, C. L., & Sabanovic, S. (2015). HRI Education Workshop: How to Design and Teach Courses in Human-Robot Interaction. 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2015). Portland, OR: ACM.
Collins, C., Duckworth, D., Henkel, Z. M., Wuisan, S., & Bethel, C. L. (2015). Therabot: A Robot Therapy Support System in Action. 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Portland, OR.
Bethel, C. L., May, D., Carruth, D. W., Strawderman, L., Holler, K., Louine, J., & Rogers, S. (2014). Using Robots in Criminal Justice Applications: Experiments in Policing, Gathering Sensitive Data from Bullying Victims, and Military Policing. Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association. Clearwater, FL.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Hudson, C. R., Bethel, C. L., Carruth, D. W., Pleva, M., Ondas, S., & Juhar, J. (2018). Implementation of a Speech Enabled Virtual Reality Training Tool for Human-Robot Interaction. 2018 World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines (DISA). Košice, Slovakia: IEEE. DOI:10.1109/DISA.2018.8490615. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Davis, M., Cagle, L. D., Morgan, C., Hudson, C. R., Ball, J. E., Anderson, D., Bethel, C. L., Liu, Y., Gafford, J., & LeClair, A. M. (2018). Hydra: A Modular, Universal Multisensory Data Collection System. SPIE DCS Defense and Security Program and Symposium. Orlando, FL.
Durst, P. J., Goodin, C., Anderson, D., & Bethel, C. L. (2017). A Reference Autonomous Mobility Model. 50th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2017). Las Vegas, NV.
Bethel, C. L. (2017). Improving Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes through the Use of Industry-Sponsored Projects in Human-Computer Interaction Curriculum. 15th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA 2017). The High Tatras, Slovakia.
Hudson, C. R., Bethel, C. L., Carruth, D. W., Pleva, M., Juhar, M., & Ondas, S. (2017). Training Tool for Speech Driven Human-Robot Interaction Applications. 15th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA 2017). The High Tatras, Slovakia.
Pearson, E., Bethel, C. L., Jarosz, A. F., & Berman, M. E. (2017). To Click or Not to Click Is the Question: Fraudulent URL Identification Accuracy in a Community Sample. IEEE International Confernece on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2017). Banff, Canada.
Henkel, Z. M., Bethel, C. L., Kelly, J., Jones, A., Stives, K., Buchanan, Z., Eakin, D. K., May, D., & Pilkinton, M. (2017). He Can Read Your Mind: Perceptions of a Character-Guessing Robot. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017). Lisbon, Portugal.
McCool, R. A., Usher, J., Strawderman, L., Carruth, D. W., Bethel, C. L., & May, D. (2017). Simulating Group Formations That Arise in Pedestrian Traffic. IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2017. Pittsburgh, PA.
Batte, J. A., Collins, Z. H., Bateman, J. N., Atkins, J., Davis, M., Salley, D., Liu, Y., Bethel, C. L., Ball, J. E., & Archibald, C. (2017). Mechanical Design, Prototyping, and Validation of a Martian Robot Mining System. SAE World Congress 2017. Detroit, MI: SAE. [Abstract]
Davis, J., Bednar, A., Goodin, C., Durst, P., Anderson, D., & Bethel, C. L. (2017). Optimizing Maximally Stable Extremal Region Parameters Using Machine Learning. SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing Expo - Infrared Technology and Applications XLIII Track. Anaheim, CA: SPIE. [Abstract]
Smith, R., Anderson, D., Bethel, C. L., & Archibald, C. (2017). Enhancement of Thermal Imagery Using a Low-Cost High-Resolution Visual Spectrum Camera for Scene Understanding. Proceedings of SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing Expo in the Infrared Technology and Applications XLIII Track. Anaheim, CA: SPIE. [Abstract]
Pleva, M., Juhar, J., Cizmar, A., Hudson, C. R., Carruth, D. W., & Bethel, C. L. (2017). Implementing English Speech Interface to Jaguar Robot for SWAT Training. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2017). Herlany, Slovakia: IEEE. [Abstract]
Bethel, C. L., Henkel, Z. M., Eakin, D. K., May, D., & Pilkinton, M. (2017). Moving Toward an Intelligent Interactive Social Engagement Framework for Information Gathering. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2017). Herl'any, Slovakia: IEEE. [Abstract]
Carruth, D. W., & Bethel, C. L. (2017). Challenges with the Integration of Robotics into Tactical Team Operations. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2017). Herl'any, Slovakia: IEEE. [Abstract]
Garrison, T. M., Jensen, L. T., Cagle, L. D., McGinley, J., Carruth, D. W., Bethel, C. L., Goodin, C., & Durst, P. (2016). Conducting a Prospective Review for Enhanced Interface Features for Unmanned Ground Vehicle Operation. 7th International conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016). Orlando, FL.
Bethel, C. L., Henkel, Z. M., Stives, K., May, D., Eakin, D., Pilkinton, M., Jones, A., & Stubbs-Richardson, M. (2016). Using Robots to Interview Children About Bullying: Lessons Learned from an Exploratory Study. Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication Conference. New York, NY: IEEE. [Abstract]
Jensen, L. T., Garrison, T. M., Carruth, D. W., Bethel, C. L., Durst, P., & Goodin, C. (2016). Initial Performance Assessment of a Control Interface for Unmanned Ground Vehicle Operation Using a Simulation Platform. 7th International conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016). Orlando, FL.
Asif, K. M., Bethel, C. L., & Carruth, D. W. (2016). Iterative Interface Design for Robot Integration with Tactical Teams. 7th International conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016). Orlando, FL, USA.
Usher, J., McCool, R. A., Strawderman, L., Carruth, D. W., Bethel, C. L., & May, D. (2016). Simulation of Pedestrian Group Behavior. Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference. Anaheim, CA.
Pearson, E., & Bethel, C. L. (2016). A Design Review Concept for Mitigating SQL Injection Attacks. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS 2016). Little Rock, AR.
Downs, D., Comer, T., Archibald, C., Bethel, C. L., Goodin, C., & Durst, P. (2016). Enhanced Simulation Techniques for the Automatic Evaluation of Vehicle Designs. SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition in the Modeling and Simulation of Military Ground Vehicles (IDM201) track. Detroit, MI. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Henkel, Z. M., & Bethel, C. L. (2016). A Robot Forensic Interviewer - The BAD, the GOOD, and the Undiscovered. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Vienna, Austria: ACM. [Abstract]
Hudson, C. R., Lalejini, A., Odom, B., Bethel, C. L., Carruth, D. W., Durst, J. P., & Goodin, C. (2015). ANVEL-ROS: The Integration of the Robot Operating System with a High-Fidelity Simulator. 7th Annual Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering & Technology Symposium & Advanced Planning Briefing for Industry (GVSETS 2015). Novi, MI, USA.
Crumpton, J., & Bethel, C. L. (2015). Validation of Vocal Prosody Modifications to Communicate Emotion in Robot Speech. 2015 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems. Atlanta, GA: IEEE. 39 - 46. DOI:10.1109/CTS.2015.7210396. [Abstract]
McCool, R., Usher, J., Strawderman, L., Carruth, D. W., Bethel, C. L., & May, D. (2015). Modeling Pedestrian Traffic in the Presence of Unmanned Mobile Robots. Proc. of the 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conf.. Nashville, TN.
Bethel, C. L., Carruth, D. W., Garrison, T. M., & King, R. (2015). Robot Needs Assessment and Issues Discovered from Tactical SWAT Team Exercises. NATO CSO STO AVT-241/RSM-022 Technological and Operational Problems Connected with UGV Application for Future Military Operations. Rseszow, Poland.
Lalejini, A., Duckworth, D., Sween, R., Bethel, C. L., & Carruth, D. W. (2014). Evaluation of Supervisory Control Interfaces for Mobile Robot Integration with Tactical Teams. 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts. Evanston, IL.
Crumpton, J., & Bethel, C. L. (2014). Conveying Emotion in Robotic Speech: Lessons Learned. 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2014). Edinburgh, UK: IEEE. 274-279. DOI:10.1109/ROMAN.2014.6926265. [Abstract]
Arya, A., Anderson, D., Bethel, C. L., & Carruth, D. W. (2013). Multi-Kernel Aggregation of Local and Global Features in Long Wave Infrared for Detection of SWAT Teams in Challenging Environments. SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference. Baltimore, MD. [Abstract]
Bethel, C. L., Eakin, D., Anreddy, S., Stuart, J. K., & Carruth, D. W. (2013). Eyewitnesses Are Misled by Human but Not Robot Interviewers. 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction 2013. Tokyo, Japan. [Abstract]
Bethel, C. L., Carruth, D. W., & Garrison, T. M. (2012). Discoveries from Integrating Robots into SWAT Team Training Exercises. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2012). College Station, TX.
Henkel, Z., Murphy, R. R., Srinivasan, V., & Bethel, C. L. (2012). A Proxemic-Based HRI Testbed. 2012 Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS'12) Workshop. Hyattsville, MD.
Bethel, C. L., Stevenson, M. R., & Scassellati, B. (2011). Secret-Sharing: Interactions Between a Child, Robot, and Adult. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Anchorage, AK, USA.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Posters
Eakin, D. K., Payne, A. E., Bethel, C. L., May, D., Pilkinton, M., Henkel, Z. M., & Stives, K. (2016). Children Do Not Fear the Robot Inquisition: The Effect on Memory of Misleading Information from a Robot. International Conference on Memory (ICOM 2016). Budapest, Hungary: ICOM.
Henkel, Z. M., & Bethel, C. L. (2016). Increasing Psychological Well-Being Through Human-Robot Interaction. 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Christchurch, New Zealand: IEEE.
Duckworth, D., Henkel, Z. M., Wuisan, S., Collins, C., Cogley, B., & Bethel, C. L. (2015). Therabot: The Initial Design of a Robotic Therapy Support System. 10th ACM/IEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Portland, OR.
Henkel, Z., Murphy, R. R., & Bethel, C. L. (2012). Towards a Computational Method of Scaling a Robot's Behavior via Proxemics. 7th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2012). Boston, MA.
Non-Refereed Conference Papers
Bethel, C. L., & Carruth, D. W. (2017). Privacy Expectations and Concerns Related to the Use of Robots in Law Enforcement. Privacy-Sensitive Robotics Workshop at the 12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Vienna, Austria. [Document Site]
Professional Presentations
Bethel, C. L. (2017). Digital Decision-Making: The Building Blocks of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Senate Subcommittee Hearing. U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation's Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation and the Internet. Washington, DC: U.S. Senate. [Document Site]