Malki, M., Horstemeyer, M., Cho, H., Peterson, L. A., Dickel, D. E., Capolungo, L., & Baskes, M. I. (2024). A Multiphysics Thermoelastoviscoplastic Damage Internal State Variable Constitutive Model Including Magnetism. Materials. 17(10), 2412. DOI:10.3390/ma17102412. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Peterson, L. A., Horstemeyer, M., Lacy, T., & Moser, R. D. (2023). Using an Internal State Variable Model Framework to Investigate the Influence of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties on Ballistic Performance of Steel Alloys. Metals. 13(7), 1285. DOI:10.3390/met13071285. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Nellippallil, A. B., Berthelson, P. R., Peterson, L. A., & Prabhu, R. (2022). Chapter 10 - Robust Concept Exploration of Driver's Side Vehicular Impacts for Human-centric Crashworthiness. ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Part B. 8(2), 021206. DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-818144-7.00002-5. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Bakhtiarydavijani, A., Khalid, G., Murphy, M. A., Johnson, K. L., Peterson, L. A., Jones, M., Horstemeyer, M., Dobbins, A. C., & Prabhu, R. (2021). A Mesoscale Finite Element Modelling Approach for Understanding Morphology and Material Heterogeneity Effects in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 24(11), 1169-1183. DOI:10.1080/10255842.2020.1867851. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Peterson, L. A., Lacy, T., Horstemeyer, M., & Moser, R. D. (2020). Experimental Characterization and Constitutive Modeling of an Aluminum 7085-T711 Alloy under Large Deformations at Varying Strain Rates, Stress States, and Temperatures. Mechanics of Materials. 151, 103602. DOI:10.1016/j.mechmat.2020.103602. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Nellippallil, A. B., Berthelson, P. R., Peterson, L. A., & Prabhu, R. (2021). Head and Neck Injury Risk Criteria-Based Robust Design for Vehicular Crashworthiness. ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 11B: 46th Design Automation Conference (DAC). DOI:10.1115/DETC2020-22539. [Abstract] [Document Site]