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Publications for: Deok Han
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Han, D., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2019). Development of High Speed Dual Camera System for Batch Screening of Aflatoxin Contamination of Corns Using Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging. Transaction of the ASABE. 62(2), 381-391. DOI:10.13031/trans.13125.
Han, D., Vahedifard, F., & Aanstoos, J.V. (2017). Investigating the Correlation between Radar Backscatter and In Situ Soil Property Measurements. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Elsevier. 57, 136-144. DOI:10.1016/j.jag.2016.12.018.
Han, D., Du, Q., Aanstoos, J.V., & Younan, N. H. (2015). Classification of Levee Slide from Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Images with Efficient Spatial Feature Extraction. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. SPIE. 9(1), 097294.
Non-Refereed Conference Papers
Han, D., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Ramezanpour, C., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2018). Development of High Speed Dual-camera System for Batch Screening of Aflatoxin Contamination of Corn Using Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging. Proceedings of SPIE, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety X, Paper No. 106650J. Orlando, FL. DOI:10.1117/12.2305148.