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CAVS 2183

(662) 325-2057

Box 5405
200 Research Blvd
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Charles Michael Gibson (Michael)  
Charles Michael (Michael)
Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems
Research Engineer

Curriculum Vitae not Provided


CAVS 2183

(662) 325-2057

Box 5405
200 Research Blvd
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Selected Publications Total Publications:  9 
Jelinek, B., Henley, G., Card, A., Hannis, T., Gibson, C. M., Priddy, J., Boyle, S., Figueroa-Santos, M., & Mange, J. (2024). Vehicle-Level Control Systems Framework For Use In Create-GV Mercury Simulation. GVSETS 2024 conference proceedings. Novi, Michigan. [Abstract]

Jelinek, B., Salmon, J. E., Mason, G. L., Gibson, C. M., Hannis, T., Pachel, N., Jarrell, W., & Towne, B. (2021). SIMULATION STUDY OF LIGHT-WEIGHTING EFFECTS ON RIDE QUALITY AND MOBILITY. GVSETS 2021. Novi, Michigan. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]

Polk, A. C., Gibson, C. M., Shoemaker, N., Srinivasan, K. K., & Krishnan, S. R. (2013). Analysis of Ignition Behavior in a Dual Fuel Turbocharged Direct Injection Engine Using Propane and Methane as Primary Fuels. Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 135(3), 032202-032202-1. DOI:10.1115/1.4023482.

Polk, A. C., Gibson, C. M., Shoemaker, N., Srinivasan, K. K., & Krishnan, S. R. (2013). Detailed Characterization of Diesel-ignited Propane and Methane Dual Fuel Combustion in a Turbocharged DI Diesel Engine. Proc. IMechE, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering. SAGE Publishers. 227(9), 1255-1272.

Shoemaker, N., Gibson, C. M., Polk, A. C., Krishnan, S. R., & Srinivasan, K. K. (2011). Performance and emissions characteristics of bio-diesel (B100)-ignited methane and propane combustion in a four cylinder turbocharged compression ignition engine. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. Trans. ASME. 134(8), 10. DOI:10.1115/1.4005993.