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CAVS 2143

Daniel Hunter Johnson  


CAVS 2143

Selected Publications Total Publications:  23 
Perkins, A., Duncan, C., Johnson, D. H., Stone, T.W., Sherburn, J. A., Chandler, M., Moser, R. D., Paliwal, B., Prabhu, R., & Hammi, Y. (2023). Assessment of a High Strength Concrete Using Experimental and Numerical Methodologies for High Strain Rate Ballistic Impacts. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 178, 104598. DOI:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2023.104598.

Duncan, C., Perkins, A., Johnson, D. H., Chandler, M., Moser, R., Sherburn, J. A., & Hammi, Y. (2023). Comparison of Ballistic Impact Simulations Using Different Constitutive Material Models of Concrete. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Columbus Ohio. DOI:10.1115/IMECE2022-94248.

Perkins, A., Duncan, C., Johnson, D. H., Stone, T.W., Sherburn, J. A., Chandler, M., Moser, R., Prabhu, R., & Hammi, Y. (2023). Assessment of the Ballistic Impact Response of Cor-Tuf UHPC Concrete Using the HJC Constitutive Model. International Journal of Protective Structures. 15, 224-240.

Johnson, D. H., Vahedifard, F., & Peters, J. F. (2021). Macroscale Friction of Granular Soils under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading Based upon Micromechanical Determination of Dissipated Energy. Acta Geotechnica. 16, 3027-3039.

Johnson, D. H., Vahedifard, F., Jelinek, B., & Peters, J. F. (2017). Micromechanical Modeling of Rate and State Frictional Behavior of Fault Using the Discrete Element Method. US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco.