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Publications for: Adrian Sescu
Book Chapter
Zhang, L., Laramee, R., Thompson, D., Sescu, A., & Chen, G. (2017). Compute and Visualize Discontinuity Among Neighboring Integral Curves of 2D Vector Fields. Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization IV: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-44682-0, 187-204.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Haywood, J. S., & Sescu, A. (2019). A Control Forced Concurrent Precursor Method for LES Inflow. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 102, 849–864.
Sescu, A., Alaziz, R., & Afsar, M. Z. (2019). Effect of Wall Transpiration and Heat Transfer on Nonlinear Gortler Vortices in High-speed Boundary Layers. AIAA Journal. 57, 1159-1171.
Adkins, K., & Sescu, A. (2018). Analysis of Near-surface Relative Humidity in a Wind Turbine Array Boundary Layer Using an Instrumented Unmanned Aerial System and Large-eddy Simulation. Wind Energy. 21, 1155-1168.
Sawaya, J., Yassir, S., Sassanis, V., Sescu, A., & Visbal, M. (2018). Assessment of the Impact of Two-dimensional Wall Deformations Shape on High-speed Boundary Layer Disturbances. AIAA Journal. 56, 4787-4800.
Sescu, A., Taoudi, L., & Afsar, M. Z. (2018). Iterative Control of Gortler Vortices via Local Wall Deformations. Theoretical and Computational Fluids Dynamics. 32, 63-72.
Sescu, A., & Afsar, M. Z. (2018). Hampering Gortler Vortices via Optimal Control in the Framework of Nonlinear Boundary Region Equations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 848, 5-41.
Adkins, K., & Sescu, A. (2017). Observations of Relative Humidity in the Near-wake of a Wind Turbine Using an Instrumented Unmanned Aerial System. International Journal of Green Energy. 14, 454-460.
Sassanis, V., Sescu, A., Collins, E. M., Harris, R., & Luke, E. (2017). A Hybrid Approach for Nonlinear Computational Aeroacoustics Predictions. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Taylor and Francis. 31, 1-20.
Sescu, A. (2016). A Generalization of Prefactored Compact Schemes. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. 23, 139-154.
Zhang, L., Laramee, R., Thompson, D., Sescu, A., & Chen, G. (2016). An Integral Curve Attribute Based Flow Segmentation. Journal of Visualization. 19(3), 423-436. DOI:10.1007/s12650-015-0336-4. [Document Site]
Goldstein, M., Sescu, A., Duck, P., & Choudhari, M. (2016). Nonlinear Wakes behind a Row of Elongated Roughness Elements. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 796, 516-557.
Harris, R., Collins, E. M., Luke, E., & Sescu, A. (2016). Coupled Overset Unstructured Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Launch Environment Acoustics Prediction. AIAA Journal. AIAA. 54(6), 1932-1952. DOI:10.2514/1.J054563. [Abstract]
Harris, R., Collins, E. M., Luke, E., Sescu, A., Stutzenberg, L., & West, J. (2015). Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin and Finite Volume Method for Launch Environment Acoustics Prediction. AIAA Journal. 53(11), 3430-3447.
Sescu, A., & Meneveau, C. (2015). Large Eddy Simulation and Single Column Modeling of Thermally-stratified Wind-turbine Arrays for Fully Developed, Stationary Atmospheric Conditions. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 32, 1144-1162.
Sescu, A., & Thompson, D. (2015). On the Excitation of Gortler Vortices by Distributed Roughness Elements. Theoretical and Computational Fluids Dynamics. Springer. 29, 67-92. DOI:10.2514/1.J053391.
Sescu, A., Visbal, M., & Rizzetta, D. (2015). A Study of the Effect of Surface Excrescences and Free-stream Disturbances on Boundary Layers. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 77, 509-525.
Sescu, A. (2015). Numerical Anisotropy in Finite Differencing. Advances in Difference Equations. 2015, 17. DOI:10.1186/s13662-014-0343-0.
Pechan, T., Jr., & Sescu, A. (2015). Experimental Study of Noise Emitted by Propeller's Surface Imperfections. Applied Acoustics. 92, 12–17. DOI:10.1016/j.apacoust.2014.11.014.
Sescu, A., & Hixon, R. (2014). Numerical Anisotropy Study of a Class of Compact Schemes. Journal of Scientific Computing. Journal of Scientific Computing: Springer. 61, 327-342.
Sescu, A., & Meneveau, C. (2014). A Control Algorithm for Statistically Stationary Large Eddy Simulations of Thermally Stratified Boundary Layers. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Wiley. 140, 2017-2020.
Sescu, A., & Hixon, R. (2013). Towards Low-Noise Synthetic Turbulent Inflow Conditions for Aeroacoustic Calculations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. In Press. 73, 1001-1010.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts
Sescu, A., El-Amrani, A., & Afsar, M. Z. (2018). Effect of Wall Temperature on the Growth of Gortler Vortices in High-speed Boundary Layers. Bulletin of the 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Atlanta, GA.
Haywood, J., Sescu, A., & Adkins, K. (2018). Relative Humidity Variation in the Shadow of a Large Wind Farm: an LES Investigation. Bulletin of the 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Atlanta, GA.
Es-Sahli, O., Sescu, A., Afsar, M. Z., & Buxton, O. R. H. (2018). Simulating and Investigating Compressible Flows Interaction with Fractal Structures. Bulletin of the 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Atlanta, GA.
Blake, J., Sescu, A., Thompson, D., & Hattori, Y. (2018). Continued Development of a Coupled LES/Stochastic Approach to Jet Noise Prediction (Abstract: F06.00002). 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Atlanta, GA: APS. [Abstract]
Sassanis, V., Afsar, M. Z., & Sescu, A. (2018). Jet-surface Interaction Noise Using CFD Mean Flow within a Rapid-Distortion Theory Approach. Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7). Glasgow, UK.
Sassanis, V., Sescu, A., Collins, E. M., Luke, E., & Harris, R. (2018). Jet Noise Predictions in Complex Environments Using a Novel LES-Nonlinear Euler Approach. Proceedings of Euronoise 2018. Creete, Greece.
Sassanis, V., Afsar, M. Z., & Sescu, A. (2018). Noise Prediction of a High Aspect Ratio Jet Interacting with an Embedded Surface Using CFD Mean Flow within a Rapid-Distortion Theory Framework. Proceedings of Euronoise 2018. Creete, Greece.
Blake, J., Sassanis, V., Sescu, A., Thompson, D., & Hattori, Y. (2017). Jet Noise Prediction via Coupling Large Eddy Simulation and Stochastic Modeling. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. New Orleans, LA. 42, 2491-2492.
Sassanis, V., Afsar, M., Sescu, A., & Lele, S. (2017). On the Existence on an Overlap Region between the Green Function for a Locally Parallel Axisymmetric Jet and the Leading Order Non-parallel Solution. Bulletin of the 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Denver, CO.
Sescu, A., & Afsar, M. (2017). Optimal Control of Gortler Vortices by Means of Local Wall Deformations. Bulletin of the 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Denver, CO.
Sassanis, V., Blake, J., Sescu, A., Collins, E. M., Harris, R. E., & Luke, E. (2017). Validation of a Hybrid Nonlinear Approach for Jet Noise Prediction and Characterization. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. New Orleans, LA: Acoustical Society of America. 142(4), 2491-2492. DOI:10.1121/1.5014095. [Abstract]
Adkins, K., & Sescu, A. (2016). Observations of Near-Surface Relative Humidity in a Wind Turbine Array Boundary Layer Using an Instrumented Unmanned Aerial System. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Adkins, K., Elfajri, O., & Sescu, A. (2016). Analysis of Near-surface Relative Humidity in a Wind Turbine Array Boundary Layer Using an Instrumented Unmanned Aerial System and Large-eddy Simulation. Bulletin of the 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Portland, OR.
Afsar, M., Sescu, A., Sassanis, V., Towne, A., Bres, G. A., & Lele, S. (2016). Asymptotic Structure of Low Frequency Supersonic Heated Jet Noise Using LES Data to Re-construct a Turbulence Model. Bulletin of the 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Portland, OR.
Afsar, M., & Sescu, A. (2015). How Non-parallel Flow Affects the Low Frequency Sound of Supersonic Heated Jets. Bulletin of the 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Boston, MA.
Afsar, M., & Sescu, A. (2015). Role of Mean Flow Hessian Tensor in the Secondary Instability of Slowly-Varying Streamwise Vortices. Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics Conference. Paris, France.
Sescu, A., Collins, E. M., Harris, R., & Luke, E. (2015). Assessing Acoustic Source Forcing Tools for Launch Vehicle Jet Noise Prediction. 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference,. Dallas Texas: AIAA.
Harris, R., Collins, E. M., Sescu, A., & Luke, E. (2015). Towards a Coupled Overset High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin and Hybrid RANS/LES Method for Launch Vehicle Acoustics. 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference. Dallas Texas: AIAA.
Sescu, A., Visbal, M., & Rizzetta, D. (2013). Numerical Investigation of Boundary Layer Receptivity to Free-stream Disturbances and Surface Excrescences. Bulletin of the 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Pittsburgh, PA.
Pechan, T., & Sescu, A. (2013). High-lift and Flow Separation Control Via Moving Wall Effects: Numerical and Experimental Investigation. ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. San Diego, CA.
Sescu, A., & Meneveau, C. (2013). Surface Roughness Height Model for Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer Interacting with Wind Farms. 19th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, 17-21 June 2013. Newport, RI.
Sescu, A., & Meneveau, C. (2012). Large Eddy Simulation Analysis of Thermally Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer Interacting with Large Wind Farms. Bulletin of the 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. San Diego, CA.
Sescu, A., & Meneveau, C. (2012). Achieving Stationary Statistics in LES of Thermally Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layers Using a Control Algorithm. AMS 20th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence. Boston, MA.
Sescu, A., Hixon, R., & Meneveau, C. (2011). Solenoidal Synthetic Turbulent Velocity Field for LES Inflow and Initial Conditions. Bulletin of the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Baltimore, MD.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Afsar, M. Z., Sescu, A., & Minisci, E. (2019). Modeling Supersonic Heated Jet Noise at Fixed Jet Mach Number Using an Asymptotic Approach for the Acoustic Analogy Green's Function and an Optimized Turbulence Model. AIAA Paper 2019-2731, Proceedings of AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference. Lyon, France.
Haywood, J., & Sescu, A. (2018). Control Forced Concurrent Precursor Method Applied to the LES of Turbulent Boundary Layers. Proceedings of Fifteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai, Japan.
Wang, X., Bhushan, S., Luke, E., Thompson, D., Sescu, A., & Hattori, Y. (2018). Aeroacoustics of Low Reynolds Number Flows Via Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES and DNS. Proceedings of Fifteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai, Japan.
Sescu, A., & Afsar, M. Z. (2018). Optimal Control of Gortler Vortices in a High-Reynolds Number Asymptotics Framework. Proceedings of Fifteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai, Japan.
Blake, J., Sescu, A., Thompson, D., & Hattori, Y. (2018). Enhancing Jet Turbulence and Acoustics via a Coupled LES - Stochastic Model. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. [Abstract]
Wang, X., Bhushan, S., Mansoor, B., Luke, E., Sescu, A., Hattori, Y., Thompson, D., & Walters, K. (2018). Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES Assessment of Sound Generation and Propagation from Flow of a Circular Cylinder. 2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2018-3592). Atlanta, GA: AIAA. DOI:10.2514/6.2018-3592. [Abstract]
Blake, J., Sescu, A., Thompson, D., & Hattori, Y. (2018). A Coupled LES/Stochastic Modeling Approach to Jet Noise Prediction. 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-1248). Kissimmee, FL: AIAA. DOI:10.2514/6.2018-1248. [Abstract]
Sescu, A., Alaziz, R., & Afsar, M. Z. (2018). Control of Gortler Vortices in High-speed Boundary Layers. Proceedings of AIAA Scitech Forum. Kissimmee, FL.
Haywood, J. S., Sescu, A., Bhushan, S., Foster, J., & Farthing, M. (2018). Towards a More Realistic Triple Hill's Vortex Synthetic Method for LES of Wall Bounded Flows. Proceedings of AIAA Scitech Forum. Kissimmee, FL.
Afsar, M., Sescu, A., Sassanis, V., & Lele, S. (2017). Towards the Prediction of Supersonic Jet Noise Predictions Using a Unified Asymptotic Approximation for the Adjoint Vector Green's Function. AIAA Paper 2017-3030, AIAA Aviation Forum. Denver, CO.
Sescu, A., Sawaya, J., Sassanis, V., & Visbal, M. (2017). Study of the Effect of Two-dimensional Wall Non-uniformities on High-speed Boundary Layers. AIAA Paper 2016-4511, AIAA Aviation Forum. Denver, CO.
Hayhood, J., Sescu, A., Foster, J., & Farthing, M. (2017). Triple Hill's Vortex Synthetic Eddy Method for Turbulent Inflow Conditions. AIAA Paper 2016-4511, AIAA Scitech Forum. Grapevine, TX.
Afsar, M., Sescu, A., Sassanis, V., Towne, A., Bres, G. A., & Lele, S. (2016). Prediction of Supersonic Jet Noise Using Non-parallel Flow Asymptotics and LES Data within Goldstein's Acoustic Analogy. Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program Proceedings. Stanford, CA.
Bhushan, S., Pasiliao, C., & Sescu, A. (2016). Temporally Developing Direct Numerical Simulation of Boundary Layer Bypass Transition. Thirteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai, Japan.
Sescu, A., Afsar, M., & Thompson, D. (2016). Feedback Control of Gortler Vortices Using Wall Effects. 13th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, October 10-12. Sendai, Japan.
Sescu, A., Yassir, S., & Visbal, M. (2016). Compressible Boundary Layer Receptivity to Free-stream Disturbances and Step Excrescences. AIAA Aviation Proceedings. Washington, DC.
Afsar, M., Sescu, A., & Leib, S. (2016). Predictive Capability of the Non-parallel Flow Low Frequency Asymptotic Green Function in Jet Noise Modeling. AIAA Aviation Proceedings. Washington, DC.
Zhang, L., Laramee, R., Sescu, A., Thompson, D., & Chen, G. (2016). Flow Visualization Based on a Derived Rotation Field. Proceedings of Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA) 2016. San Francisco, CA.
Harris, R., Sescu, A., Collins, E. M., & Luke, E. (2016). Dynamic Overset High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin and Hybrid RANS/LES Method for Launch Vehicle Acoustics Prediction. AIAA Scitech Proceedings. San Diego, CA.
Sescu, A., & Afsar, M. (2016). Can Wall Deformations Counteract Boundary Layer Streaks? AIAA Scitech Proceedings. San Diego, CA.
Harris, R. E., Collins, E. M., Luke, E., & Sescu, A. (2016). Coupled Overset Unstructured Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Jet Noise Prediction. 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. San Diego, CA: AIAA SciTech. 0762. DOI:10.2514/6.2016-0762. [Document Site]
Sassanis, V., Sescu, A., Collins, E. M., Harris, R. E., & Luke, E. (2016). Hybrid Approach to Nonlinear Propagation of Jet Noise in Complex Environments. 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. San Diego, CA: AIAA SciTech. 0528. DOI:10.2514/6.2016-0528. [Document Site]
Zhang, L., Laramee, R., Thompson, D., Sescu, A., & Chen, G. (2015). Vector Fields Segmentation Based on Integral Curve Attributes. Proceedings China Vis 2015, Jul 17-18. Tianjin, China.
Harris, R., Collins, E. M., Sescu, A., & Luke, E. (2015). Coupled Overset Unstructured Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Launch Environment Acoustics Prediction. AIAA Aviation 2015, Paper 2015-2538. Dallas, TX. DOI:10.2514/6.2015-2538.
Sescu, A., Sassanis, V., Collins, E. M., Harris, R., & Luke, E. (2015). Assessing Acoustic Source Forcing Tools for Launch Vehicle Jet Noise Prediction. AIAA Aviation 2015, Paper 2015-2381. Dallas, TX.
Sescu, A., & Haywood, J. (2015). Large Eddy Simulation Study of Moving Objects in Thermally-Stratified Boundary Layer Flows. AIAA Aviation 2015, Paper 2015-2299. Dallas, TX.
Sescu, A., Afsar, M., & Sassanis, V. (2015). On the Effect of Small Steps on Pre-transitional Streamwise Elongated Streaks. AIAA Aviation 2015, Paper 2015-3075. Dallas, TX.
Sescu, A., Sassanis, V., Haywood, J., & Visbal, M. (2015). Study of the Impact of Localized Roughness Elements on Gortler Instabilities. AIAA Scitech Meeting. Kissimee, FL.
Haywood, J., Sescu, A., & Visbal, M. (2015). Pressure Gradient Effect on Boundary Layers over Surface Excrescences: Parametric Study. AIAA Scitech Meeting. Kissimee, FL.
Sescu, A., Visbal, M., & Rizzetta, D. (2014). Numerical Study of Receptivity to Freestream Disturbances and Surface Excrescences. AIAA Aviation Conference 2014. Atlanta, GA.
Harris, R. E., Collins, E. M., Sescu, A., Luke, E., Strutzenberg, L., & West, J. (2014). High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin and Hybrid RANS/LES Method for Prediction of Launch Vehicle Lift-Off Acoustic Environments. 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference. AIAA Aviation 2014: AIAA.
Sescu, C., Kucinski, B., Afjeh, A. A., Masiulaniec, C., & Sescu, A. (2009). Parametric Study of Liquid Atomization by Slinger Injectors. Proceedings of 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit. Denver, CO.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Posters
Sescu, A., Walters, K., Bhushan, S., Manshour, B., & Hattori, Y. (2016). Collaboration on Aeroacoustics of Low Reynolds Number Flows Via Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES and DNS. Thirteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai, Japan.
Sescu, A., & Meneveau, C. (2013). Towards an E ffective Roughness Length Model for Thermally Stratifi ed ABL Interacting with Wind Farms. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Meneveau, C., & Sescu, A. (2013). LES of Thermally-stratified Wind-turbine Array Boundary Layers: Fringe Region Approach for Stationary Conditions and Results. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. Vol. 15(EGU2013-581).
Sescu, A., & Meneveau, C. (2012). A Control Algorithm for Attaining Stationary Statistics in LES of Thermally Stratified Wind-turbine Array Boundary Layers. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Non-Refereed Conference Abstracts
Afsar, M., Sescu, A., Sassanis, V., & Lele, S. (2017). Supersonic Jet Noise Predictions Using a Composite Formula for the Adjoint Vector Green's Function and LES Data to Construct a Turbulence Model. 30th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting. Glasgow, UK.
Sassanis, V., Sescu, A., Collins, E. M., Harris, R., & Luke, E. (2016). A Hybrid Approach to Nonlinear Acoustic Wave Propagation. MSU Graduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University.
Haywood, J., Sescu, A., & Walters, K. (2016). Large Eddy Simulation Study of Moving Objects in Thermally-Stratified Boundary Layer Flows. MSU Graduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University.
Haywood, J., & Sescu, A. (2014). Large Eddy Simulation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow over Moving Boxes. MSU Conference on Differential Equations and Computational Simulations. Starkville, S.
Sescu, A. (2014). Efficiency Increment of a Class of Compact Schemes. MSU Conference on Differential Equations and Computational Simulations. Starkville, S.
Pendyala, R. K., Sescu, A., & Thompson, D. (2014). Study of the Impact of Localized Roughness Elements on Gortler Instabilities. MSU Conference on Differential Equations and Computational Simulations. Starkville, S.
Pechan, T., & Sescu, A. (2013). High-Lift Airfoils with Moving Surfaces. Mid-South Annual Science and Engineering Conference. Oxford, MS.
Sescu, A., Meneveau, C., & Rosales, C. (2012). Synthesis of Non-Gaussian Turbulent Velocity Fields by Random Distributions of Distorted Hill's Vortices. 9th MSU - UAB Conference on Differential Equations and Computational Simulations. Starkville, MS.
Non-Refereed Conference Papers
Blake, J., Wang, X., Mansoor, B., Bhushan, S., Thompson, D., Sescu, A., & Hattori, Y. (2017). Aeroacoustics of Low Reynolds Number Flows Via Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES and Stochastic Modeling. Proceedings 14th International Conference on Flow Dynamics,. Sendai, Japan: Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University.
Sescu, A., Taoudi, L., Afsar, M., & Thompson, D. (2016). Control of Gortler Vortices by Means of Surface Streaks. AIAA Aviation Proceedings. Washington, DC.
Sescu, A., Taoudi, L., Afsar, M., & Thompson, D. (2016). Control of Gortler Vortices by Means of Staggered Surface Streaks. AIAA Aviation 2016, June 13-17, Paper 2016-3950. Washington, DC.
Sescu, A., Pendyala, R., & Thompson, D. (2014). On the Growth of Gortler Vortices Excited by Distributed Roughness Elements. AIAA Aviation 2014, Paper 2014-2885. Atlanta, GA.
Non-Refereed Conference Posters
Cicernis, T., Sescu, A., & Rush, S. (2019). Analysis of the Aerodynamics of Southern Flying Squirrels. MSU Undergraduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University, MS.
Lang, L., & Sescu, A. (2019). Acoustic Validation of a Martian Atmosphere Rotor. MSU Undergraduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University, MS.
Afsar, M. Z., Sassanis, V., Sescu, A., & Lele, S. (2018). Minimizing Airport Noise by Understanding the Asymptotic Structure of Jet Noise. STEM for Britain. London, UK.
Yassir, S., & Sescu, A. (2016). Effect of Very Small Steps on High-speed Boundary Layers. MSU Graduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University.
Taoudi, L., & Sescu, A. (2016). Control of Gortler Vortices via Wall Deformations. MSU Graduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University.
Elfajri, O., & Sescu, A. (2016). Large Eddy Simulation Study of the Effect of Large Wind Farms on Humidity. MSU Graduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University.
Lyas, T., & Sescu, A. (2016). Numerical Investigation of Airfoil Noise Generation at Low Reynolds Number. MSU Graduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University.
Pendyala, R. K., & Sescu, A. (2014). Investigation of Centrifugal Instabilities in Boundary Layers under the Effect of Surface Curvature and Distributed Roughness. BCoE Graduate Research Poster Competition. Starkville, S.
Pechan, T., & Sescu, A. (2014). Experimental Study of the Effect of Blade Surface Imperfections on the UAV Propeller Noise. BCoE Graduate Research Poster Competition. Starkville, MS.
Web Publications
Sescu, A. (2015). On Deriving Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions in Generalized Curvilinear Coordinates. arXiv :1501.06392 [math.GM]. Cornell University.
Professional Presentations
Sescu, A., & Afsar, M. (2017). Optimal Control of Gortler Instability. Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar. Department of Mathematics, Mississippi State University.
Afsar, M., Sescu, A., Sassanis, V., Towne, A., Bres, G. A., & Lele, S. (2016). Prediction of Supersonic Jet Noise Using Non-parallel Flow Asymptotics and LES Data within Goldstein's Acoustic Analogy. Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program.
Sescu, A., & Visbal, M. (2016). Effect of Step Excrescences on Supersonic Flat-plate Boundary Layers. RQVA Seminar, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH.
Sescu, A., & Visbal, M. (2014). On the Effect of Surface Inhomogeneities and Pressure Gradients on Boundary Layer Receptivity. RQVA Seminar, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH.
Sescu, A., Visbal, M., & Rizzetta, D. (2013). Boundary Layer Receptivity to Free-stream Disturbances and Surface Excrescences. RQVA Seminar, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH.
Sescu, A. (2011). Synthetic Turbulence Modeling for LES/CAA. Fluids Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.