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Publications for: Joby M. Czarnecki
Book Chapter
Kroger, R., Poganski, B. H., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Prevost, D., & Littlejohn, A. (2015). Chapter 8: Research and Education to Advance Conservation and Habitat, USA. In M. Sewadeh and S. Jaffee (Eds.), Shades of Green: Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives to Reduce the Environmental Footprint of Commercial Agriculture. Washington, D.C.: EcoAgriculture Partners. 106. [Document]
Peer-Reviewed Journals
McCrary, A., Brooks, J. P., Smith, R. K., Burger, L. M., Lucore, A., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Schauwecker, T., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Burger, L. W., & Baker, B. H. (2024). Short-Term Contribution of Conservation Practice Implementation to Water Quality Impairments in Small Streams. Water. 16(2), 261. DOI:10.3390/w16020261.
Matese, A., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Samiappan, S., & Moorhead, R. J. (2023). Are Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning Advancing Crop Science? Trends in Plant Science. na, 14. DOI:10.1016/j.tplants.2023.09.001.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shockley, J. M., Wasson, L. L., & Li, X. (2023). Estimation of the Economic Impacts and Operational Limitations Imposed on Unmanned Aerial Systems by Poor Sky Conditions. Precision Agriculture. na, 13. DOI:10.1007/s11119-023-10055-3.
Bheemanahalli, R., Adeli, A., Samiappan, S., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., McCraine, C., Reddy, R., & Moorhead, R. J. (2023). Phenological Stage and Vegetation Index for Predicting Corn Yield under Rainfed Environments. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14, 12. DOI:10.3389/fpls.2023.1168732.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Baker, B. H., Hu, J., & Prevost, J. D. (2023). Cover Crops and Reduced Tillage Did Not Alter Soil Chemistry in First Three Years. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. NA, 12. DOI:10.1002/agg2.20496.
Wilber, A. L., McCurdy, J. D., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Stewart, B., & Dong, H. (2023). Preemergence Herbicide Effects on St. Augustinegrass Establishment. Agronomy Journal. 115(3), 1344-1355. DOI:10.1002/agj2.21304.
Davidson, C., Jaganathan, V., Sivakumar, A. N., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Chowdhary, G. (2022). NDVI/NDRE prediction from standard RGB aerial imagery using deep learning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 203, 107396. DOI:10.1016/j.compag.2022.107396.
Badon, T. B., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Baker, B. H., Spencer, G. D., Hill, M. J., Lucore, A. E., & Krutz, L. J. (2022). Transitioning from conventional to cover crop systems with minimum tillage does not alter nutrient loading. Journal of Environmental Quality. 51(5), 966-977.
Wilber, A., McCurdy, J. D., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Stewart, B. R., & Dong, H. (2022). Aerial and Ground-based Assessment of Preemergence Herbicide Effects on St. Augustinegrass Grow-in. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 14(1), 812-814. DOI:10.1002/its2.79.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Jones, M. A. (2022). The Problem with Open Geospatial Data for On-farm Research. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. 7(1), e20062. DOI:10.1002/ael2.20062.
Wilber, A. L., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & McCurdy, J. D. (2022). An ArcGIS Pro workflow to extract vegetation indices from aerial imagery of small-plot turfgrass research. Crop Science. 62(1), 503-511. DOI:10.1002/csc2.20669.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Samiappan, S., Zhou, M., McCraine, C., & Wasson, L. L. (2021). Real-Time Automated Classification of Sky Conditions Using Deep Learning and Edge Computing. Remote Sensing. MDPI. 13(19), 3859. DOI:/10.3390/rs13193859. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Sumner, Z., Varco, J. J., Dhillon, J. S., Fox, A. A., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Henry, W. B. (2021). Ground versus Aerial Canopy Reflectance of Corn: Red-edge and Non-red-edge Vegetation Indices. Agronomy Journal. 113, 2782-2797. DOI:10.1002/agj2.20657.
Badon, T. B., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Krutz, L. J., Shockley, J. M., & Baker, B. H. (2021). Cover Crop and Minimum-tillage Effects on Yield, Irrigation Water Use, and Net Returns. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 4(2), 10. DOI:10.1002/agg2.20158.
Baker, B. H., Kroger, R., Brooks, J., Smith, R., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Deng, D. (2018). Effects of Low-grade Weirs on Soil Microbial Communities to Advance Agricultural Best Management Practices for Nitrate Remediation. Journal of Environmental Quality. 47(5), 1155-1162. DOI:10.2134/jeq2017.12.0489. [Abstract]
Omer, A. R., Moore, M. T., Krutz, L. J., Kroger, R., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Baker, B. H., & Allen, P. J. (2018). Potential for Recycling of Suspended Solids and Nutrients by Irrigation of Tailwater from Tailwater Recovery Systems. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 18(4), 1396-1405. DOI:10.2166/ws.2017.207. [Abstract]
Samiappan, S., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Foster, H., Strickland, B. K., Tegt, J. L., & Moorhead, R. J. (2018). Quantifying Damage from Wild Pigs with Small Unmanned Aerial Systems. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 42(2), 304-309. DOI:10.1002/wsb.868. [Abstract]
Omer, A. R., Miranda, L. E., Moore, M. T., Krutz, J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Kroger, R., Baker, B. H., Hogue, J., & Allen, P. J. (2018). Reduction of Suspended Solid and Nutrient Loss from Agricultural Lands by Tailwater Recovery Systems. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 73(3), 284-297. DOI:10.2489/jswc.73.3.284. [Abstract]
Omer, A. R., Dyer, J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Kroger, R., & Allen, P. J. (2018). Development of a Water Budget for Tailwater Recovery Systems. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 144(6), 05018001-1-0501. DOI:10.1061/ (ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001302. [Abstract]
Faust, D. R., Kroger, R., Omer, A. R., Hogue, J., Baker, B., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Moore, M. T., & Rush, S. A. (2018). Nitrogen and Organic Carbon Contents of Agricultural Drainage Ditches of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 73(2), 179-188. DOI:10.2489/jswc.73.2.179. [Abstract]
Baker, B. H., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Omer, A. R., Aldridge, C. A., Kroger, R., & Prevost, J. D. (2018). Nutrient and Sediment Runoff from Agricultural Landscapes with Varying Suites of Conservation Practices in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 73(1), 75-85. DOI:10.2489/jswc.73.1.75. [Abstract]
Omer, A. R., Moore, M. T., Krutz, L. J., Kroger, R., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Baker, B. H., & Allen, P. J. (2017). Representation of Solid and Nutrient Concentrations in Irrigation Water from Tailwater Recovery Systems by Surface Water Grab Samples. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 143(11), 06017013-1-6. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001234.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Omer, A. R., & Dyer, J. (2017). Quantifying Capture and Use of Tailwater Recovery Systems. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 143(1), 05016010-1-6. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001124.
Baker, B. H., Kroger, R., Prevost, J. D., Pierce, T., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Faust, D., & Flora, C. (2016). A Field-scale Investigation of Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Efficiencies of a Low-technology Best Management Practice: Low-grade Weirs. Ecological Engineering. 91, 240-248. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.02.038.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Omer, A. R., & Kroger, R. (2016). A Dual-continua Framework for Assessing Water Use Models and the Potential for Conservation. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs) Water. 3, 235-250. DOI:10.1002/wat2.1131. [Abstract]
Omer, A. R., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Baker, B. H., & Hogue, J. A. (2016). Characterizing Nitrogen Outflow from Pre-Harvest Rice Field Drain Events. Agricultural Water Management. 165, 44-49. DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2015.09.026. [Abstract] [Document]
Baker, B. H., Kroger, R., Brooks, J. P., Smith, R. K., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2015). Investigation of Denitrifying Microbial Communities within an Agricultural Drainage System Fitted with Low-grade Weirs. Water Research. 87, 193-201. DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2015.09.028. [Abstract] [Document]
Kroger, R., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Tank, J. L., Christopher, S. F., & Witter, J. D. (2015). Implementing Innovative Drainage Management Practices in the Mississippi River Basin to Enhance Nutrient Reductions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 51(4), 1020-1028. DOI:10.1111/1752-1688.12342. [Abstract] [Document]
Kroger, R., Scott, J. T., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2014). Denitrification Potential of Low-grade Weirs and Agricultural Drainage Ditch Sediments in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Ecological Engineering. 73, 168-175. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.09.019.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Baker, B. H., Brison, A. M., & Kroger, R. (2014). Evaluating Flood Risk and Alterations to Hydraulic Patterns Following Installation of Low-grade Weirs in Agricultural Systems. Agricultural Water Management. 146, 69-74. DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2014.07.018. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Givens, W. A., Newman, M. E., Owen, M. D., Weller, S. C., Young, B. G., Wilson, R. G., & Jordan, D. L. (2012). Benchmark Study: III. Survey on Changing Herbicide Use Patterns in Glyphosate-Resistant Cropping Systems. Weed Technology. 26, 536-542. [Abstract] [Document]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Givens, W. A., Owen, M. D., Weller, S. C., Young, B. G., Wilson, R. G., & Jordan, D. L. (2012). Benchmark Study: IV. Survey of Grower Practices for Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Weed Populations. Weed Technology. 26, 543-548. [Abstract] [Document]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Givens, W. A., Owen, M. D., Weller, S. C., Young, B. G., Wilson, R. G., & Jordan, D. L. (2012). Benchmark Study: I. Introduction, Weed Population, and Management Trends from the Benchmark Survey 2010. Weed Technology. 26, 525-530. [Abstract] [Document]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Givens, W. A., Newman, M. E., Owen, M. D., Weller, S. C., Young, B. G., Wilson, R. G., & Jordan, D. L. (2012). Benchmark Study: II. A 2010 Survey to Assess Grower Awareness of and Attitudes toward Glyphosate Resistance. Weed Technology. 26, 531-535. [Abstract] [Document]
Shaw, D. R., Schraer, S. M., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Boyette, M., & Kingery, W. (2006). Runoff Losses of Cyanazine and Metolachlor: Effects of Soil Type and Precipitation Timing. Weed Science. 54(4), 800-806.
Shaw, D. R., Schraer, S. M., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Boyette, M. (2006). Herbicide Dynamics in the Bogue Phalia Watershed in the Yazoo River Basin of Mississippi. Weed Science. 54(4), 807-813.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Samiappan, S., & Hathcock, L. A. (2019). The Application of Structure from Motion Techniques in Late-season Corn Damage. In John V. Stafford (Ed.), Precision Agriculture '19. Montpellier, France: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 405-411. DOI:10.3920/978-90-8686-888-9_50. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Samiappan, S., Wasson, L. L., McCurdy, J. D., Reynolds, D., Williams, W. P., & Moorhead, R. J. (2017). Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Weed Science. Advances in Animal Biosciences: Precision Agriculture (ECPA) 2017. Edinburgh, Scotland. 8(2), 807-811. DOI:10.1017/S2040470017001339.
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Schauwecker, T., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2016). Catalpa Creek Watershed Planning, Restoration, and Protection Project. Conference: XIX Conferenza Nazionale della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti (SIU). Catania, Italy. [Abstract] [Document]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Posters
Panda, R. M., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Hu, J., & Keri, J. (2022). Data Mining Soil Testing Laboratory Datasets to Characterize Trends in Soil Fertility. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. [Document Site]
Non-Refereed Conference Abstracts
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Chavarro-Chaux, L., Ortega-Achury, S. L., Richardson, B., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Schauwecker, T. J. (2020). Stream Health and Water Quality Conditions Associated to Livestock Production in the Catalpa Creek. Proc. Mississippi Water Resources Conference. Virtual: Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute.
Badon, T. B., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Baker, B. H. (2020). Analyzing the Effectiveness of Winter Cover Cropping of Reducing Pollutant Loads in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. American Society of Agronomy Southern Branch Meeting. Louisville, KY.
Wilber, A. L., McCurdy, J. D., Richard, M., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Sullivan, D. G. (2020). Evaluating St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum Secundatum) Sod Grow-in Following Preemergence Herbicide Application Using Multispectral Imaging. Proc. 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Weed Science Society. Biloxi, MS: Southern Weed Science Society.
Linhoss, A., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2019). Remotely Sensing Sediment Tracers. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers annual international meeting. Boston, MA: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Schauwecker, T. J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Ortega-Achury, S. L. (2019). Physical, Chemical and Biological Assessment of the Catalpa Creek in Mississippi: Preliminary Results. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Pittsburgh, PA.
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Ortega-Achury, S. L., Schauwecker, T. J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Martin, James L. (2019). Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Variation in Stream Water Quality: a Case Study for a Mississippi Urban Headwater. Mississippi Water Resources Conference. Jackson, MS. [Abstract]
Linhoss, A., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Samiappan, S. (2019). Remotely Sensing Sediment Tracers. Mississippi Water Resources Conference. Jackson, MS. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Linhoss, A., Schauwecker, T. J., & Hathcock, L. A. (2019). Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Using Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Assessing Erosion. Mississippi Water Resources Conference. Jackson, MS. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2018). Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Creating 3D Structure from UAV Imagery. Mississippi Geospatial Conference 6. Long Beach, CA: MAST.
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Schauwecker, T. J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Ortega-Achury, S. L., Langendoen, E. J., & Martin, James L. (2018). Identification and Assessment of Stream Processes within the Catalpa Creek in Mississippi. EcoStream Stream Ecology and Restoration Conference. Asheville, NC.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Linhoss, A., Hathcock, L. A., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., & Schauwecker, T. J. (2018). Assessing Soil Erosion with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Precision Conservation. 73rd Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM: Soil and Water Conservation Society.
Linhoss, A., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2018). A Magnetic and Fluorescent Particle Tracer Applied to a Coastal Sand System. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers annual international meeting. Detroit, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Schauwecker, T. J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Langendoen, E. J., & Ortega-Achury, S. L. (2018). Quantifying and Modeling In-stream Processes: A First Step to Restore the Catalpa Creek. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Minneapolis, MN.
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Schauwecker, T., Martin, James L., Ortega-Achury, S. L., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2018). A Project Based Learning Study Oriented to Develop a Natural Stream Restoration Design. Proceeedings Mississippi Water Resources Conference. Jackson, MS. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Grafe, J., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Schauwecker, T., Ortega-Achury, S. L., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Langendoen, E. (2018). Understanding Relations Between Streamflow, Turbidity, and Suspended-Sediment Concentration in an Impaired Mississippian Stream. Proceedings Mississippi Water Resources Research institute. Jackson, MS. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Grafe, J., Schauwecker, T., Ortega-Achury, S. L., Martin, James L., Noble, T., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2018). Impacts of Riparian Buffer Zones on Stream Water Quality: A Quantitative Assessment in the Catalpa Creek Watershed. Proceedings Mississippi Water Resources Conference. Jackson, MS. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Baker, B., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Omer, A. R., Aldridge, C., Kroger, R., & Prevost, J. D. (2018). Impacts of Riparian Buffer Zones on Stream Water Quality: A Quantitative Assessment in the Catalpa Creek Watershed. Mississippi Water Resources Conference. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute.
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Langendoen, E. J., Ortega-Achury, S. L., McAnally, W. H., Martin, James L., Schauwecker, T., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2017). Estimación Y Predicción De Descargas De Sedimentos Y Tasas De Erosión De Bancos Fluviales. 1st International Congress and 2nd National Congress of Rivers and Wetlands. Neiva, Colombia. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Madsen, J. D., Shaw, D. R., & Brooks, C. P. (2010). Predicting Habitat for Eurasian Watermilfoil with Mahalanobis Distance Methods. Weed Science Society of America Abstracts. Denver, CO. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Madsen, J. D., Shaw, D. R., & Brooks, C. P. (2010). Presence-Only Methods for Predication of Eurasian Watermilfoil Habitat. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society. Little Rock, AR. [Abstract]
Non-Refereed Conference Papers
Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Schauwecker, T. J., Ortega-Achury, S. L., & Langendoen, E. J. (2019). Streambank Erosion Assessment in the Catalpa Creek in Mississippi. SEDHYD 2019 11th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference and 6th Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference. Reno, NV.
McCraine, C., Samiappan, S., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Dodds, D. M. (2019). Plant Density Estimation and Weeds Mapping on Row Crops at Emergence Using Low Altitude UAS Imagery. Proceedings Volume 11008, Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping IV. Baltimore, MD: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 11008, 110080Y. DOI:10.1117/12.2520252. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Wasson, L. L., Scholtes, A. B., Carver, S. M., & Irby, J. T. (2018). Soybean Maturity Stage Estimation with Unmanned Aerial Systems. 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Montreal, Canada: International Society of Precision Agriculture.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Hathcock, L. A., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Linhoss, A., & Schauwecker, T. J. (2017). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Structure from Motion Techniques and Their Use in Protecting Surface Water Quality. 2017 American Water Resources Association Annual Conference. Portland, OR. [Document] [Document Site]
Moorhead, R. J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Samiappan, S., & Henry, W. B. (2017). Swimming in Sensors and Drowning in Data: What Is Needed for UASs to Be Effective? Proceedings Volume 10218, Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping II. Anaheim, CA: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). 102180L. DOI:10.1117/12.2267721. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Reynolds, D., & Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Inform Herbicide Drift Analysis. 13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. St. Louis, MO.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Givens, W. A., Weller, S. C., Young, B. G., Wilson, R. G., Owen, M. D. K., & Jordan, D. (2011). A Five-Year Perspective on the Benchmark Study for Grower Attitudes Regarding Glyphosate Resistance. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society. San Juan, Puerto Rico. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Madsen, J. D., Shaw, D. R., Brooks, C. P., & Martin, James L. (2009). Modeling Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum Spicatum) with Geographic Information Systems. Midsouth Aquatic Plant Management Society Conference. Lake Guntersville State Park, AL. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Madsen, J. D., Harvill, J. L., Ervin, G. N., Samson, S., & Martin, James L. (2009). Local-scale GIS Modeling of Eurasian Watermilfoil. Proceedings Southern Weed Science Society /Weed Science Society of America Abstracts. Orlando, FL. [Abstract]
Ervin, G. N., Holly, D. C., Shaw, D. R., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Byrd, J. D., Grado, S. C., Measells, M., & Madsen, J. D. (2008). Effects of Patch-scale Human Disturbance on Invasive Species Spread Override Hurricane-mediated Landscape Change. 93rd Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Milwaukee, WI.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Byrd, J. D., Holly, D. C., Ervin, G. N., Grado, S. C., & Madsen, J. D. (2008). Modeling the Spread of Invasive Weedy Species Following Natural Disasters. Proceedings Southern Weed Science Society. Jacksonville, FL. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Gray, C. J., & Shaw, D. R. (2006). Utility of Hyperspectral Reflectance for Differentiating Soybean (Glycine Max) and Six Weed Species. Proceedings 8th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Minneapolis, MN. [Abstract]
Tagert, M. L., Bingner, R. L., Massey, J. H., Shaw, D. R., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2006). Impact of Land Use Changes on Nonpoint Source Runoff. Proceedings Southern Weed Science Society. San Antonio, TX. 59, 216.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Gray, C. J., Givens, W. A., & Poston, D. H. (2005). Incorporating Residual Herbicides into Early-planted Glyphosate-resistant Soybean Production. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society. Charlotte, NC. 58. [Abstract]
Tagert, M. L., Massey, J. H., Shaw, D. R., Bingner, R. L., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2005). A Decision Support System for Sediment and Pesticide TMDL Implementation. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society. Charlotte, NC. 58, 279.
Non-Refereed Conference Posters
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., van der zwaag, J., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Linhoss, A., & Schauwecker, T. J. (2020). Augmented Reality as a Tool for Technology-driven Conservation. 75th Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference. Virtual: Soil and Water Conservation Society.
Badon, T. B., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shockley, J. M., & Hill, M. (2020). Yield and Economic Assessment of a Cover Crop/minimum Tillage Practice in Mid-South Corn/soybean Rotation. 75th Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference. Virtual: Soil and Water Conservation Society.
Badon, T. B., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Baker, B. H., Krutz, L. J., & Hill, M. (2019). Reducing Sediment Concentrations from Agricultural Surface Water Runoff Using Winter Cover Crops. Southern Region Water Conference. College Station, TX.
Shammi, S. A., Henn, A., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Zurweller, B. (2019). Evaluating Adaptability of Early-maturing Peanut Genotypes to the Northern Mid-south Region. Mississippi Academy of Sciences 3rd Annual Summer Symposium. Starkville, MS.
Sumner, Z., Varco, J. J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Fox, A. A. A. (2018). Multi-platform Comparison of Canopy Reflectance on Corn Whole Plant and Leaf Tissue Nitrogen Status and Grain Yield. ASA-CSSA International Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
Schauwecker, T. J., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Baker, B. (2018). Hydraulic and Vegetative Modeling for the Restoration Design of the Upper Reach of Catalpa Creek, an Impaired Stream in Northeast Mississippi. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. New Orleans, LA.
Mitchell, J., Schauwecker, T. J., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2017). Vegetation Monitoring in the Upper Reach of the Main Channel of Catalpa Creek. Shackouls Honor College Undergraduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University.
Smith, C., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Irby, J. T., & Fox, A.A.A. (2017). Applied Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Soybean Harvest Aid Applications. Shackouls Honor College Undergraduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University.
Prevost, W., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2017). Use of NDVI Technology in Mid-season Nitrogen Application on Corn Crops. Shackouls Honor College Undergraduate Research Symposium. Mississippi State University.
Rogers, J., Baker, B., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2016). Towards and Understanding of Surface and Groundwater Exchange through Tailwater Recovery System. Mississippi Water Resources Conference. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute.
Henry, W. B., Fox, A.A.A., Moorhead, R. J., Samiappan, S., Whittenton, J. B., Hock, M. W., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2016). In-Field UAV Corn Phenotyping: a High Throughput Model. Annual Joint Meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists/Southern Regional Branch of the American Society of Agronomy. San Antonio, TX.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Hodge, S., & Hill, C. L. (2007). Assessment of Geographic Extent of Projects Encompassed by the Northern Gulf Institute Using Geographic Information Systems. Coastal Geotools. Myrtle Beach, SC. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Farno, L. A., Givens, W. A., Gerard, P. D., Wilcut, J. W., Young, B. G., Wilson, R. G., Owen, M. D. K., & Weller, S. C. (2007). Shifts in Weed Problems Following Adoption of Roundup Ready Technology in Continuous Soybean Cropping Systems. Proceedings Southern Weed Science Society. Nashville, TN. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Gray, C. J., & Shaw, D. R. (2006). Utility of Multispectral Imagery for Soybean (Glycine Max) and Weed Species Differentiation. Proceedings 8th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Minneapolis, MN. [Abstract]
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Farno, L. A., Poston, D. H., Koger, C. H., Eubank, T. W., & Gray, C. J. (2006). Post-Applied Residual Herbicides in an Early-Planted Glyphosate Resistant Soybean System. Proceedings Southern Weed Science Society. San Antonio, TX. 59, 28. [Abstract]
Gray, C. J., Shaw, D. R., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Reddy, R., Bond, J. A., Stephenson, D. O., Oliver, R. L., & Bruce, L.M. (2005). Identifying Variations among Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus Palmeri) and Pitted Morningglory (Ipomoea Lacunosa) Accessions Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Techniques. Weed Science Society of America Abstracts. Honolulu, HI. 45, 413.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Gray, C. J., & Poston, D. H. (2005). Incorporating Residual Herbicides into Early-planted Glyphosate-resistant Soybean Production. Weed Science Society of America Abstracts. Honolulu, HI. 45, 26.
Hodge, S., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & McBride, D. W. (2012). The Portal Newsletter. Mississippi State University: Northern Gulf Institute. [Document]
Technical Report
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., & Hathcock, L. A. (2018). Structure from Motion with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Best Practices Guide for New Users. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [Document]
Professional Presentations
Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2019). New Technology for Safer Rights-of-way Vegetation Management. Mississippi Vegetation Management Association Annual Conference. Biloxi, MS.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2008). Spatial Data Analysis with Geographic Information Systems. Baylor University, Waco, TX.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Shaw, D. R., Harvill, J. L., Byrd, J. D., Holly, D. C., Ervin, G. N., Grado, S. C., & Madsen, J. D. (2008). GIS-based Modeling for Prediction of Invasive Weeds. Weed Science Society of America Abstracts. Chicago, IL.
Thesis and Dissertation
Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2011). Modeling Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum Spicatum) Habitat with Geographic Information Systems. Mississippi State University: ProQuest/UMI. [Abstract] [Document]